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Soredemo Machi Wa Mawatteiru Episode 3

* Based on a seinen manga by Ishiguro Masakazu, serialised in Young King Ours.Clumsy Arashiyama is a girl with a love for mysteries and a knack for getting into trouble. She works for an old ladyג€™s lacklustre maid cafֳ© in a small shopping district. The cafֳ© is largely unsuccessful in attracting customers aside from Sanada, a regular and one of Arashiyama's classmates (who has a secret crush on her). One day Arashiyamaג€™s clever friend Tatsuno is invited to the cafֳ©, and, upon seeing the miserable state of things (and Sanada, whom she has a secret crush on), decides to work there. Donג€™t miss the crazy antics of Arashiyama and friends, mismatched love stories, and all the hilarity that is created as a result, in Sore Machi. [BU-M]

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